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Getting Started

Collektive is composed of several independent components:

  • The core DSL (Domain Specific Language) defining the language syntax and semantics.
  • The compiler plugin used to automatically devise the communication protocol based on the program's structure.
  • The stdlib (Standard Library) providing common functionalities and data structures.

Compiler plugin setup

To use Collektive in your project, first add the compiler plugin to your build.gradle.kts file:

plugins {
kotlin("multiplatform") version "<kotlin_version>"
id("it.unibo.collektive.collektive-plugin") version "<latest version>"

The compiler plugin it's a mandatory component of the Collektive ecosystem. It is used to automatically devise the communication protocol based on the program's structure.

Without this plugin, the program will NOT run as expected at runtime.

Dependencies setup

To start you app development, add the dsl and (optionally) the stdlib dependencies to your build.gradle.kts file:

kotlin {
sourceSets {
val commonMain by getting {
dependencies {
implementation("it.unibo.collektive:dsl:<latest version>")
implementation("it.unibo.collektive:stdlib:<latest version>")
Collektive ❤️ Kotlin Multiplatform

Collektive supports KMP (Kotlin Multiplatform) projects, allowing you to use the DSL in Native, JS, and JVM environments.
Currently, the following platforms are supported:

  • JVM
  • JS (node.js and browser)
  • Native (iOS, macOS, Linux, Windows)